Our Story

Who am I? 

Hello! My name is Mackenzie Blair, owner of The White Pear Boutique, and let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am the wife to the most incredible husband, Bryan Blair. My husband and I met while we were both freshman at Texas A&M and somehow I managed to convince him we should spend forever together. We've been together for 8 years and married for almost 3. I'm also a mother to our handsome boy Hayes Everett who is growing like a weed. I'm also a dog mom to Dakota and Harley, our sweet shepherd mixes. I grew up all around the Houston area and currently live in Kyle, TX. Cooking and baking are some of my favorite things to do. You'll see us eating homemade chocolate chip cookies almost every night at the Blair household! Some of my favorite things include: Chick-Fil-A, iced coffee, shopping, dogs, and babies. 

Why did I start a boutique?

I've always struggled with body image. Growing up, I was too skinny. In college, I was too pudgy. Then after becoming a mom, the insecurities I had around my body were intensified. I've always loved fashion, but trying to style my new postpartum body became increasingly difficult. My old clothes didn't fit and the new clothes I bought were always a hit or miss on whether they'd fit right. So, after being a stay at home mom for 8 months, I decided to start my own clothing boutique catered for new mamas. I decided to make it my mission to empower new moms and encourage them to feel confident and beautiful in their new bodies through the clothes they wear. It's my mission to find quality, comfortable clothes that are easy to style that still keep up with the latest trends. 

The meaning behind the name:

The White Pear Boutique is named after my dad, Frank White, who passed away in 2018. My dad suffered a major motorcycle accident in 2006. I was only 10 at the time. I was a daddy’s girl through and through so his accident was truly life altering for me. Before his accident, weekends at my dad’s house was what I looked forward to the most. The one thing I’ll always remember about my dad’s house is the pear tree in his front yard. We'd pick and eat fresh pears from the tree every weekend I spent with my dad. So “White” comes from my maiden name and “Pear” comes from the pear tree that was in his front yard. My dad was very special and I strive every day to make him proud.